Techniques Revised/Taught
- Straight Armlock over the Thigh
- Bent Armlock under the Knee
- Juji Gatame (Steeping over, sit on shoulder, roll back)
- Single Arm over shoulder
- Achilles Lock (when partner is on their back)
- Achilles Lock (when partner is on their stomach)
- Knee Crush (kneeling on the back of partners knee)
- Fig 4 Leg Lock
- Kote Gaeshi / Wristlock Takedown to the rear
- Upper Fig 4 Takedown
- Straight Armlock Takedown (arm across tricep)
- Kibisu Gaeshi (Heel Clip)
Please have a look at the techniques above to help you remember the techniques we went through this Friday, especially if you’re thinking about grading on the 24th of March.