The program was designed to increase students knowledge. If you have a younger child who is keen to undertake this program, we would probably suggest that the parent would need to be greatly involved in the process. The parent would need to read the papers with their child and interpret the information, where needed, into a language that they would understand. Once the parent is comfortable that the child knows the information, they can then request to do the exam. The parent may need to assist in this process also. The parent would help the child to interpret the question, not answer it for them, just help them understand the question. The program is about learning.
The Program is made up of 6 topics:
- Anatomy
- Etiquette
- First Aid
- History
- Law
- Pressure Points
Each topic has a paper which students read and learn. Once the student has studied the paper they undertake a written test. 90% of all the exams are made up of multiple choice questions.
NB: Some of the papers are based around traditional thoughts and beliefs of martial artists not necessarily what is used in today society, an example of this is the first aid.
For Younger participants?
The program was designed to increase students knowledge. If you have a younger child who is keen to undertake this program, we would probably suggest that the parent would need to be greatly involved in the process. The parent would need to read the papers with their child and interpret the information, where needed, into a language that they would understand. Once the parent is comfortable that the child knows the information, they can then request to do the exam. The parent may need to assist in this process also. The parent would help the child to interpret the question, not answer it for them, just help them understand the question. The program is about learning.
Is there a Certain Order the papers must be completed?
No, you can complete the papers in any order you like.
Is completing the program required as part of my Black Belt journey
Once a student has reached brown belt level, as part of the final exam for Black Belt, which has a number of components, the Commitment Program is one of them and must be completed. You can however complete it earlier than Brown so it is one less thing to study for at this level.