
What is Bushido?
“Bushido” translates to “The Way of the Warrior”. It is a set of moral codes outlining the behaviour and mindset of the Samurai warriors from feudal Japan.
Within Bushido there are 7 virtues:
Be acutely honest throughout your dealings with all people. Believe in justice, not from other people, but from yourself. To the true warrior, all points of view are deeply considered regarding honesty, justice and integrity. Warriors make a full commitment to their decisions.
True warriors have no reason to be cruel. They do not need to prove their strength. Warriors are not only respected for their strength in battle, but also by their dealings with others. The true strength of a warrior becomes apparent during difficult times.
Hiding like a turtle in a shell is not living at all. A true warrior must have heroic courage. It is absolutely risky. It is living life completely, fully and wonderfully. Heroic courage is not blind. It is intelligent and strong.
Warriors have only one judge of honor and character, and this is themselves. Decisions they make and how these decisions are carried out are a reflection of who they truly are. You cannot hide from yourself.
Through intense training and hard work the true warrior becomes quick and strong. They are not as most people. They develop a power that must be used for good. They have compassion. They help their fellow men at every opportunity. If an opportunity does not arise, they go out of their way to find one.
When warriors say that they will perform an action, it is as good as done. Nothing will stop them from completing what they say they will do. They do not have to ‘give their word’. They do not have to ‘promise’. Speaking and doing are the same action.
Warriors are responsible for everything that they have done and everything that they have said and all of the consequences that follow. They are immensely loyal to all of those in their care. To everyone that they are responsible for, they remain fiercely true.
What is the Bushido Club?
Students are nominated to the program by their coach for showing the 7 virtues, in their martial arts and their day to day lives. Then after a panel confirms the nominee the student is given the option of joining the program.
Students who are part of our Bushido club wear special uniforms with black pants and serve as a role model to other students.
We run special seminars and courses covering a massive range of extra concepts in martial arts such as knife defence and throwing.
Our Bushido club students are also invited to help out with the running of gradings and other events.
Pictured below is our Bushido Club after their seminar in May of 2022

Want to become part of the Bushido Program?
What the Program offers:
- Special Training days for members only
- Member only Gradings
- Additional Grading assessment every year
- Salt & Pepper Uniform as required (worn out or outgrown)
- 2nd Uniform half price
- Committment Program
- Access to the Video Database
- Access to Clubworx so they can check the progress.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be under 21
- Student needs to be training 2 lessons per week in the Jujitsu Program
- Student should hold at least a yellow belt in rank
- Student has been a member for a minimum of 12 months at MAQ
- Student shows the traits of a black belt
- The 3 A’s
- Attendance: is regular
- Attitude: showing traits of a black belt
- Aptitude: showing a keen interest in learning their techniques to the highest standard
- Invitation only from coaches and must be approved by the panel
- Maximum of 6 weeks per year of missed classes for holiday / on hold
- Must attend a min of 2 special training days per year
- Uniform must be irons at all times (warnings issues if not worn)
Talk to your coach to see what you need to do to become part of it.