Commonly asked questions
About your MAQLD Membership
Do you run classes during the school holidays?
Classes at our full time academies in Toowong and Jamboree Heights run 50 weeks of the year. Classes only stop for 2 weeks over Christmas / New Years. Therefore classes do not stop during the school holidays. Our satellite school locations run at primary schools do not run during school holidays.
Can I put my payments on hold if I am unable to make it to my lesson?
Yes, we do allow memberships to be put on hold. We can put a minimum of 2 consecutive weeks on hold for up to 6 weeks (covering Christmas holidays). However, we ask that you inform us that you will be away at least 2 day BEFORE missing your class. Notification of missed classes will only be accepted IN WRITING. This can be done either by emailing the office at (we will reply and let you know your email has been received) or by filling out an on hold form at the academy, they are available from the reception desk (or ask your instructor if you are training at one of our satellite schools). PLEASE NOTE: no verbal “on holds” will be accepted (including by phone).
What do I do if I miss a class or am sick?
If you miss a class or are sick one week you are more than welcome to attend a makeup class. However, the makeup class must be taken before the end of the coming school holidays. At the end of the next school holidays any outstanding make up classes will be forfeited. We allow them to be made up until the end of the school holidays so that you can do them during the holidays as we understand a lot of kids have very busy afternoons during school term.
Can I put my membership on hold and do my make-up classes while my membership is on hold?
Members cannot train while their membership is on hold.
Can I use the full day holiday clinics to put towards as my make up lessons for classes that I have missed?
Unfortunately not. We offer a large number of classes each week 50 weeks per year. We encourage you to take advantage of this and organise make-up classes within our regular timetable.
What happens on Public Holidays?
Martial Arts Queensland does not conduct classes on Public Holidays. If your training lesson falls on a public holiday at our full-time academy, you are welcome to attend a lesson on another day.
What do I have to do if I want to stop training?
If you wish to cancel your membership, please note that this must be done IN WRITING (no verbal cancellations are accepted including by phone). Cancellation can be done via email to or by filling out a cancellation form which is available from Toowong Reception or from your instructor. Please note this only works for people on an open membership. Those signed up on a 12 month membership are committed to 12 months.
Back dating and refunding?
We do not back date or refund fees. If you do not notify us in sufficient time of on holds or cancellations before the fortnight’s membership fees are processed, charged fees will not be refunded.