Techniques Taught:
- Kesa Gatame Escapes x2
- Pulling Arm out
- Rolling them over shoulder
- 2 Holdings
- Yoko Shiho Gatame (Side Four-Corner Holding)
- Kami Shiho Gatame (Upper Four-Corner Holding)
- 2 Strangles
- Nami Juji Jime (Natural Cross Strangle)
- Gyaku Juji Jime (Reverse Cross Strangle)
This week we looked into 2 different ways of escaping the Kesa Gatame position. We also learnt 2 new holdings; Yoko-Shiho & Kami-Shiho Gatame, as well as 2 new strangles; Nami-Juji & Gyaku-Juji Jime.
Kesa Gatame Escape no.1 (pulling arm out)
Kesa-Gatame Escape no.2 (roll-over)
Yoko-Shiho-Gatame (Side Four-Corner Holding)
Just be aware that the way Kyushin-Ryu does this is with the left arm over and under Uke’s left shoulder.